Dwyer Workforce Resource Center Expanding in East Baltimore

Dwyer Workforce Development gives people a chance for a high paying career when they could be at their lowest.

Like Aida Bland who had been laid off from her position with the Baltimore Health Department.

“It didn’t feel so great but I started really reassessing my life and what I wanted, and how I wanted to continue impacting the community in a positive way,” said Bland.

Bland turned to the Dwyer Scholars Program which helps people pursuing healthcare careers financially.

Anything from paying for all their tuition to a metro card to get back and forth to class or work.

Today, the resource program entered into an agreement for a new location for their resource center in the Southern Streams Health and Wellness Center which is in the development phase. The Dwyer Scholars Center will be an anchor for the new wellness center.

“We’ll have the opportunity to actually serve those Dwyer Scholars more extensively than we do, recruit additional Dwyer Scholars and serve the neighborhood,” said Clapp.

Learn more from WMAR-TV.
