State of the Nursing Home Workforce: Dwyer Workforce Development’s CEO on ‘Secret Sauce’ Behind Growth

At the heart of many successful workforce initiatives that nursing homes are pursuing to increase the number of workers is the push for employee well-being and a recognition that many frontline workers face fundamental and systemic barriers to entering the workforce.

To that end, an organization that is enabling skilled nursing providers to grow their labor force and also increase the entry and staying power of workers is Dwyer Workforce Development (DWD). With a mission to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers in the sector, DWD trains and places workers in partner nursing homes – a footprint that is fast growing.

The program’s success is reflected in referral rates to its employee training program. Referral rates have grown “exponentially” in 2024 so that the organization is on track to train approximately 3,600 “Dywer Scholars” – as the trainees are called. This will bring the total of CNAs trained since the program’s inception in 2021 to nearly 6,000 CNAs by year’s end, according to Barb Clapp, CEO of DWD. Clapp sat down with Skilled Nursing News to discuss DWD’s expansion and updates to its program.

Read the full article on Skilled Nursing News.
