Panel in Waco Eyes Solutions for Health Care Workforce Needs

Legislative support for more training in community health centers could help Texas ensure it has the doctors, nurses and other medical staff it needs, Waco Family Medicine CEO Dr. Jackson Griggs said Tuesday during a panel discussion with state and national health care leaders.

Panelists agreed there are not enough doctors, nurses, medical staff, and mental health professionals in rural Texas counties and the counties bordering Mexico for all Texans to get access to the care they need without a long drive.

The Texas Tribune hosted the discussion Tuesday at Texas State Technical College on the question “How will Texas meet its health care workforce needs?”

Maria Darby, chief operating officer at Baltimore-based Dwyer Workforce Development, said her company provides “wrap-around services” for trainees who may need assistance with child care, food insecurity, housing insecurity or other barriers to training. Dwyer is a nonprofit that trains people as certified nursing assistants and geriatric nursing assistants. It bought 50 skilled nursing facilities across the state in a $590 million deal almost two years ago. In addition to training people for jobs in its own facilities, Dwyer trains staff for other companies.

“There is a significant opportunity to do good and to do well, for those with a caring disposition who want to help others,” Darby said.

There are plenty of jobs available in health care services, particularly jobs serving older people, and many of the jobs pay well, she said.

Darby said technical colleges, community colleges and high schools also can train people for health care work.

Read the full article from Waco Herald-Tribune.


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